The Western Kentucky Risk Assistance Fund (WKRAF) - view


KY Innovation Hubs

KY Innovation Hubs represent Kentucky’s approach to building vibrant, regional innovation clusters across the state and growing the overall economy. This 120-county effort modernizes Kentucky’s support for entrepreneurs and high-tech, high-growth-potential startups by leveraging each region’s unique strengths. The hubs unite universities, established companies and industry sectors, entrepreneurs, business accelerator and incubator programs and many other public and private entities to best serve business founders across the commonwealth.

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Service Regions


Kentucky leads the way in SBIR/STTR support and match funding. Learn how we can help you obtain and maximize federal non-dilutive funding.

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Kentucky’s is the first program in America to join the strengths of every one of the state’s public higher education institutions to advance commercialization statewide.

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Incubators and Accelerators

Kentucky has a wide variety of programs and places statewide to help companies start, grow and thrive.

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Kentucky has options that provide funding for startups at every stage of their growth.

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Small Business Resources

Kentucky offers a number of programs to help your small business

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Connect with KY Innovation

Kentucky is home to a deeply connected network of resources.
Find out what our statewide entrepreneurial ecosystem has to offer.
