A Factory at your Fingertips
What could you do with a factory at your fingertips?
The Director of the Lexington Office of the Kentucky Innovation Network, Warren Nash, has tweeted the link to a local article on a new maker space in Lexington, Kre8Now.
Maker spaces bring 3D printing (additive) and CNC (subtractive) technologies to the public.
Business Lexington:
Makerspaces like Kre8Now have been coming onto the scene in urban areas across the country during the last decade, as part of a larger maker movement that has given rise to specialized magazines, websites and events. Today’s makers run the gamut from garage tinkerers and computer hackers to budding entrepreneurs and do-it-yourself enthusiasts. But they all share a basic interest in applying today’s increasingly accessible technology to build something of their own.
With a modest payment, members of the maker space can have access to a variety of tools to develop their ideas. The founder of the Kre8Now, Doug Clarke, plans to offer up to one third of the space for business incubation, and the maker space is already looking to expand, according to Business Lexington.
Clarke hopes to expand the number of science, technology, engineering and manufacturing applications based on 3D technologies.
That desire of Clarke’s led to the grand opening in early June of Kre8Now Makerspace, a collaborative community workshop designed to enable and inspire technology and innovation, housed in 12,000 square feet of industrial space on Manchester Street in Lexington’s rising Distillery District.
The space is stocked with a range of equipment, including a metal lathe, a CNC mill, welding equipment, woodworking tools, 3-D printers, a 300-inch projector screen, screenprinting equipment and a room for robotic design and drone-building.
For a membership fee of $35 per month, community members can have open-hour access to any of Kre8Now’s equipment, as long as they are qualified to use it safely,
– See more at: http://bizlex.com/2015/06/making-room-for-creativity-kre8now-makerspace-offers-workshop-space-for-tech-and-engineering-innovation/?sthash.t0zj8u0W.mjjo#sthash.t0zj8u0W.21V9oDrI.dpuf