Registration Open for Dream Big In Trigg – Business Plan Competition in Trigg County
For Immediate Release: September 1, 2015
Cadiz, KY, September 1, 2015.
If you have a new business idea or want to expand your current existing business in Trigg County, the Dream Big in Trigg Business Plan Competition is for you! The competition is to stimulate entrepreneurial activity and provide greater awareness of the resources available to grow entrepreneurs in Trigg County but also focus on our existing small businesses to provide incentives for them to take their business to the next level.
To enter, participants must complete the entry form available online at or stop by the Commerce Center (Tourism Center) located at 5748 Hopkinsville Road, Cadiz, KY 42211 and pick up the Dream Big in Trigg Packet of Information. Deadline for entry forms will be October 1, 2015 by 5:00 p.m. They must be turned in at the Commerce Center or uploaded online through the website
All entries are required to attend a Business Plan Workshop to be held at the Cadiz Renaissance Center from 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. on Friday, October 16, 2015 which will combine a business plan and business pitch workshop. This will be hosted by the Director of the KY Innovation Network at Murray State University, Loretta Daniels. All contestants MUST attend the workshop or be disqualified from competition at kolla in
Business plan pitch to judges will be held on February 8, 2016: New Business Plan entries will be scheduled to pitch from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and Existing Business Plans will be scheduled to pitch from 12:30 – 3:30p.m. You will have 10 minutes to pitch and 5 minutes for Q & A.
Winners will be announced at the Trigg County Chamber Lunch and Learn on February 11, 2016 at noon held at the Renaissance Center located at 49 Jefferson Street, Cadiz, KY 42211 and presented with their prize package. Prize package for winner in each category: New Business Plan and Existing Business Plan will each receive $3,000 cash prize each plus over $3,500 in professional services bloggartikel för att ta pengar utan inkomst.
Criteria for evaluation include: concept quality, marketability, strength of the financial model and sustainability over the long term. There are two divisions of the contest: one for new business idea and the other for existing Trigg County business. You cannot enter both competitions.
“I am excited to support the Dream Big in Trigg Business Plan Competition and look forward to seeing what creative business ideas will emerge from this competition along with helping an existing business in Trigg County expand their product or service line that will grow their business to the next level,” said Loretta Daniel, Director of the Kentucky Innovation Network office of Murray State University.
“The Trigg County Chamber of Commerce is proud to be a sponsor of the Dream Big in Trigg Business Plan Competition. We are excited about this opportunity for entrepreneurs that have an idea for a business to make their dreams come true. The Chamber is always excited to see a new business open or see an existing business expand and this competition will allow for both to take place. We all understand that growth benefits everyone in our community,” said Connie Allen, Trigg County Chamber of Commerce Director.
“This is a great opportunity for our community to seek out the next new business to open its doors in our beautiful community. It will help one of our own existing Trigg County businesses take their business to the next level and help them succeed even more. Some of the best business ideas usually start small and then develop to be a unique niche that keep people coming back and make our community extra special. There is nothing stronger in a small town than the pride we have in the place we call home and each business we have in our community leaves us with an experience or memory that makes Trigg County so extraordinary,” said Sharon Butts, Director for the Cadiz-Trigg County Economic Development Commission.
The Tourist Commission is excited to partner with the EDC and Chamber to revive this contest which has in the past been a catalyst for wonderful small business ideas.
Small business is so important to our community’s vitality I hope we can in some way help to spark the creativity and desire to proceed with someone’s “Dream”, said Bill Stevens, Cadiz Tourism Director.
“Trigg County Fiscal Court is proud to be a sponsor of the Dream Big in Trigg Business Plan Competition. We understand how important it is to grow our community and create jobs and this competition will allow just that by creating a new business as well as helping one of our existing businesses in Trigg County to grow their business to the next level, “ said Judge Executive, Hollis Alexander.
“FNB is honored to be the title sponsor for Dream Big in Trigg,” stated Brooke Wiles, FNB Marketing Director. “We truly value and support the mission of the contest, which not only promotes small business development in Trigg County, but also assists with positioning an existing business with tools and resources that will help them thrive in today’s business world.”
The goal of the Dream Big in Trigg Business Plan Competition is to help stimulate entrepreneurial activity and greater awareness of the resources available to grow entrepreneurs and expand our existing small businesses in Trigg County.
Previous award winners include: The Shoppe – Beauty Salon & Trigg County Barn Houses.
Businesses interested in contributing services to the prize package should contact Sharon Butts at 270-522-1170, Bill Stevens/ 270-522-3892 or Connie Allen / 270-350-0182
Thank you to our sponsors for helping to make this contest a success: FNB Bank, Cadiz Tourism, Trigg County Chamber of Commerce, Cadiz EDC, Trigg County Fiscal Court & KY Innovation Network at Murray State University
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