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GroWest is a coalition of communities committed to growing the digital economy in our region. The coalition provides a variety of entrepreneurial services and programs, from early idea stage pre-accelerators to mid-stage startup recruitment and seed funding. In addition, each community hosts software development training to grow a talent pipeline for tech enabled businesses. We also provide exceptional co-work spaces and networking events for small businesses. Anyone with an innovative startup idea or existing business should contact the hub closest to them.

The GroWest consortium is led by Sprocket of Paducah, which operates an innovation hub and co-working space. Sprocket facilitates programming that supports tech entrepreneurs. This includes the Next50K initiative, a competition that attracts tech startups from around the country to relocate to Paducah by providing $50,000 in non-dilutive funding, as well as the West KY Innovation Challenge which evaluates potential tech solutions from non-technical founders for buildability and business viability.

GroWest also includes Madisonville’s Kentucky Innovation Station, a co-working and maker space that provides a spectrum of programming for entrepreneurs in the region that include mentoring, the Innovate+Caffeinate event and a learning series for entrepreneurs. Murray State University also participates through its Center for Economic and Entrepreneurial Development and Center for Computer and Information Technology, which connects the region to the institution’s expertise, research and talent.

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