The Western Kentucky Risk Assistance Fund (WKRAF) - view

Olga Yurovski

Shopperations is a Kentucky-based company for retail and brand marketers.  The software caters to the needs of this audience by providing a planning and collaboration platform that navigates the relationship between brand marketing, shopper marketing, sales and retail customers.

What makes Shopperations unique is its promise for intuitive interface and workflow, access to time-saving automated calendars and real-time updates and effortless dollar tracking capabilities. In addition to this promise, Shopperations includes a user friendly dashboard and specialized features for any brand or retail marketer.  Link:

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America’s Seed Fund: 40 Years of Seeding the Future

Known as America's Seed Fund, the Small Business Innovation Research…

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Kentucky SBIR match recipient Hummingbird Nano is advancing molding technology

Nicholasville-based Hummingbird Nano has utilized the federal Small Business Innovation…

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