You are creating an innovative, high-tech company in Kentucky.
YOU may or may not have startup funding, but you need whatever help is available.
Here’s what we can do:
YOU may or may not have startup funding, but you need whatever help is available.
Here’s what we can do:
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Funding Assistance and Matching Funds
- KIIP: The Kentucky Innovation Investment Program guides startups through the intricacies of the federal grant writing process, provides expert technical analysis and strategy consultation and post-grant management, giving you the best chance to secure highly valuable non-dilutive funding from federal agencies.
- KY Match: If you have federal SBIR/STTR funding and need follow-on money to take your plan to the next level, we can help. Kentucky’s nationally renowned program provides up to dollar-for-dollar match of SBIR/STTR awards.
Kentucky Commercialization Ventures (KCV)
- KCV provides a pathway from idea to market for the top technologies emanating from Kentucky’s regional universities and community and technical colleges. In addition to bolstering the commercialization strength of these institutions, KCV creates opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to build startups around a particular technology, or larger companies interested in licensing intellectual property.